AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch
-CANADA (Toronto Chapter) - 2008Saturday, the 5th October, luncheon at the Jerusalem Restaurant,
Photo 1, l > r : Luciana Gentile, Mireille Nahman-Ades, Viviane Massouda-Franco, Denise et Roger De Pinto-Guetta, Tito Massouda, Arnaldo Gentile
Photo 2, l > r : Joe and Jane Nemni, Dinah and Tony Keludjian, Max and Minique Nemni-Nahman
Photo 3, l > r : Berjou Tchilingirian-Hadjikezian, Anna Hadjikezian-Colorio, Nicole Corbi, Regy Baruch-Broudo, Ralph and Mimi Paoli-Harari, Mimi and Al de Castro-Zeitouni, Gary Hadjikezian
Photo 4, l > r : Gary Hadjikezian, Al de Castro, Berjou Tchilingirian-Hadjikezian, Anna Hadjikezian-Calorio, Mimi de Castro-Zeitouni, Nicole Corbi
Photo 5, l > r : Fayek Alaily, Simone Fadel-Risgalla, Elie Fadel, Henry Sabondjian, Cécile Sabondjian, Suzanne Ugolini-Risgalla, Alec Odabachian, Mary Alaily
Photo 6, l > r : Regy Baruch-Broudo, Ralph Paoli, Gisèle Dayan-Vartman, Marcel Louza, Mimi Paoli-Harari, Al and Mimi de Castro-Zeitouni
Photo 7, l > r : Maggie Thurston-Rawas, Regy Baruch-Broudo, Ralph Paoli, Rachel Capeluto-Makhlouf, Gisèle Dayan-Vartman
Photo 8, l > r : Standing Joe Tortell, Diane Jusko-Bouskela, Doug Thurston, Claude Habert, Toy Baruch
Fayek Alaily, Janine Tortell-Cori, Anne-Marie Manzoni
Photo 9, l > r : Claude Habert, Victor (Toy) Baruch, Anne-Marie Manzoni
Photo 10, l > r : Mimi Habert-Sasson, Janine Tortell-Cori
By Claude Habert
We held our
first meeting of AAHA
Thanks to the hard work of Victor Baruch (Sheikh al Hara), we met at the Jerusalem Restaurant in Toronto for a “buffet” lunch.
We had 47 people attend this fabulous lunch, which included: molochia, falafel, lamb, delicacies like Konafa, maalabia, baalawa and others……..
Everyone there had a great time. It was so nice to be together with old Alexandrians, and the spirit of camaraderie was definitely there. We met with many people we had not seen for years, and helped us rekindle and restart many relationships.
We were very
fortunate to have amongst us Sandro and Anne-Marie Manzoni. Sandro entertained
us with many “noktas”, which were hilarious, and brought back the spirit of
All in all
it was a very successful get together, and we even got to create a
Attendees :
George (Toto) and Sharon Abbiad, Fayek and Mary Alaily, Victor (Toy) and Regy Baruch-Broudo, Al and Mimi de Castro-Zeitouni, Roger and Denise De Pinto-Guetta, Rachel Capeluto-Makhlouf, Nicole Corbi, Gisèle Dayan-Vartman, Elie and Simone Fadel-Risgalla, Arnaldo et Luciana Gentile, Claude and Mireille Habert-Sasson, Gary and Anna Hadjikezian-Colorio, Diane Jusko-Bouskela, Tony and Dinah Keludjian, Marcel Louza, Sandro and Anne-Marie Manzoni, Tito and Viviane Massouda-Franco, Joe and Jane Nemni, Max and Monique Nemni-Nahman, Mireille Nahman-Ades, Alec Obadachian, Ralph and Mimi Paoli-Harari, Henri and Cecile Sabondjian, Berjou Tchilingirian-Hadjikezian, Berjouhi and Hadjic Tehilingirian, Maggie and Doug Thurston-Rawas, Joe and Janine Tortell-Cori, Suzanne Ugolini-Risgalla.
AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch