AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch


Sacred Heart School, Rouchdy, 1958

 Basket Ball Team - 1958

Are on the photo : Maali el Fouly, Victoria Antoun Bassili,  Marianne Mabro, Kety Youssef, Sister Mary Lucille, Annie Boutros,  Marie Ange Malhamé, Marion Siclair, Christiane Renard-Azoury, Thérèse Fahmy, Maggie Macramallah, Lucy Mougalian, Laila Abdallah, Anna Marlas, ??, ??, ??,


Heavy letters = address known; Italic = deceased

Photo submitted by Marie Ange Malhamé

Who are the other girls ? 

What are the addresses of the girls  ?

(please send to Sandro Manzoni the missing names and addresses)

Last revision : Cologny, July 2013

AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch