AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch
Scottish School for Girls
Form V, Graduating Class (17th of May 1954)
from left to right and from top to bottom
top : Penny ?, ??, Monique Ganon, Suzy Shamley-Lizbonne, Ginette Lisbonne-Young (nee Levy), Miss Cross, Rachel Cass, Christine ?, Jeannette Menahem, ??, ??
2nd row from top : Anna, ?, Marina Eleftheropoulos, Mirelle ?, Miss Lahoud, Ms Hendi, Clara, Bacheir, ??, Misss Farag
3rd row from top : ?, Shokra, Arda Yeghiayan, Lucy Corsi-Voyadzis, Ms White, ??, ??, Nicole, Aruna Duggal-Baveja
bottom : ??, Lina Fiss, Mimi Behar, ??, ??
Heavy letters = address known
Lucy Corsi-Voyatzis is looking for the names and the addresses of her school friends
(please send to Sandro Manzoni the missing names and addresses)
AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch