AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch
Scottish School for Girls
Girls Guide, 1956,visit of Lady Baden-Powell
from left to right and from top to bottom
top row : ???????
2nd row from top : ???????
3rd row from top, sitting : ??, Olga Kara-Aslan - Halkiadakis, Nora Yeghiayan ??,??, Liliane Hayat,??,??, Dorothy Rich-Simeonidis, ??
Heavy letters = address known
Dorothy Rich-Simeonidis is looking for the names and the addresses of her school girl friends
(please send to Sandro Manzoni the missing names and addresses)
AAHA = Amicale Alexandrie Hier et Aujourd'hui : www.aaha.ch